
ILS Minimums 본문


ILS Minimums

PLT-K 2024. 5. 27. 10:20

FAA AIM 1-1-9. ILS. i ILS Minimums

  DH 시정 또는 RVR
CategoryⅠ 200ft RVR 2400ft
(with touchdown zone and centerline lighting, RVE 1800ft)
(with Autopilot or FD or HUD, RVR 1800ft)
Special Authorization CategoryⅠ  150ft RVR 1400ft, HUD to DH
CategoryⅡ 100ft RVR 1200ft
(with autoland or HUD to touchdown and noted on authorization, RVR 1000ft)
Special Authorization Category Ⅱ with reduced Lighting 100ft RVR 1200ft with autoland or HUD to touchdown and noted on authorization
(touchdown zone, centerline lighting, and ALSF-2 are not required)
No DH or DH below 100ft RVR not less than 700ft
CategoryⅢb. No DH or DH below 50ft RVR less than 700ft but not less than 150ft
CategoryⅢc. No DH No RVR limitation


ICAO Annesx 14, 1.1 Definitions. Instrument runway

One of the following types of runways intended for the operation of aircraft using instrument approach procedures: 

    DH 시정 또는 RVR
TYPE A 비정밀 - not less than 1000m
TYPE B CategoryⅠ 75m(250ft)미만
visivility 800m
or RVR 550m(1800ft)이상
CategoryⅡ 60m(200ft)미만
RVR 550m(1800ft)미만
RVR 300m(1000ft)이상
CategoryⅢ 30m(100ft)미만 또는 No DH RVR 300m(1000ft)미만 또는 No RVR


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