
ICAO Annex 10, Vol 1, 3.5 Specification for UHF distance measuring equipment(DME) 본문


ICAO Annex 10, Vol 1, 3.5 Specification for UHF distance measuring equipment(DME)

PLT-K 2024. 5. 24. 19:10

동시에 DME 정보를 이용할 수 있는 항공기 수는?    Aircraft handling capacity of the system    The aircraft handling capacity of transponders in an area shall be adequate for the peak traffic of the area or 100 aircraft, whichever is the lesser.    Recommendation.— Where the peak traffic in an area exceeds 100 aircraft, the transponder should be capable of handling that peak traffic. 

  Note.— Guidance material on aircraft handling capacity will be found in Attachment C, 7.1.5. 


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